Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wedding bells, new job and the return of Jimenez

Hey everybody,
Just thought I'd throw in an update that wasn't about soccer! A few updates:
My sister Signe and Morten are getting married at Frederiksberg Church on saturday, so we are a little busy these days getting everything coordinated. Tomorrow wednesday, friends from USA and Singapore arrives and the party will start up a bit - nice.....
Especially considering I'm currently on my last escape from reality. I quit my job at Kivex in April and start my new job as an Account Manager with the leading power supplier in DK, Dong Energy. I am very excited about this as my situation with worsened ever since the arrival of a new boss. So I am very excited about starting a new era with Dong Energy. So what escape from reality am I talking about? I'm talking about the fact that Kivex accepted my request to be released from all duty at the company the day I quit. So I am on vacation pretty much till June 1st.
Highlights of the Summer:
-Signe and Mortens wedding (May)
-Jimenez returns from 4 months in Thailand, Aussieland, New Zealand and Fiji (June)
-Pearl Jam at Forum (June)
-Metallica at Aarhus (July)
-Going to Prague with the boys (August?)
-Vacation with Mary (dates and destination haven't been decided yet)
-FCK in Champions League? (Start praying everyone)
I will be back on sunday with pics from the wedding!


1 comment:

Aktivist said...

So where are these wedding pictures you promised?!?
For those of us who weren't there, we'd love to see 'em.
Love ya,