Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Locating my American hostfamilies

Hi Brian and Denise.
Thanks for posting a comment on my blog, I really would like to get in contact, but I'm not sure I have the right e-mail adress! I haven't recieved a reply to my last few e-mails. Can you write me at henrik@marcussen.org and then I'll have an e-mail adress to reply to. I've also tried calling a few times but I keep getting the machine....
Hope all is well with you!

Al and Barb if you read this please do the same, this way I can updated on all your e-mails. Also please post Leah and Gina's e-mail adresses. Its been too long amigos!!!!


The great dane

1 comment:

Aktivist said...

It's good to see that my long lost Great Dane is doing well. I recently came across your site and was shocked to see that we're really bonafide adults now...which made me realize how much time has passed since we last talked. If you are interested, my email address is valeriewezran@hotmail.com (same as always) and my cell number is (312) 927-0074. Much love from the original host sister!!!