A little funny story I want to share with you!
Yesterday, Mary and I went to the annual travel exhibition at Bella Centret, just to find a little inspiration and to look at all the interesting offers out there.
About half and hour before closing we passed Transavia's stand (a dutch low-cost airfare agency), and they had a competition where you had to fold an airplane out of a piece of paper and get it to fly through a 20-30 cm wide hole in a roll-up screen. I made it!!!!
My Prize: A free r/t ticket Copenhagen-Amsterdam! The funny part is that Mary and I were planning on going down there over easter anyways, originally we wanted to drive but now we'll fly! Nice.....aiming buddy!
I also strongly want to encourage you all to go to the exhibition next year, I mean you can always just go and collect a free ticket to Amsterdam! But seriously, some of the offers were incredible: 10 day luxury safari in South Africa - 12.000 kr. (normal price 16.000).
But Transsibiria it still is for Mary and me.... but first we're going to Amsterdam! See you soon Lotte!
Check the site out at www.ferie07.dk